SOO... I started of this blog post as initially going to be "photo dump" of this summers highlights. Then when I started posting pictures, I realized how much we had done over the summer and how overwhelming the current task seemed to be. ( I mean really - one photo at a time? Technology has evolved enough where virtually 100 years of knowledge can be contained in a microchip no bigger than a crumb, but blogger can only download one image at a time?...and don't even get me started on the having to post everything backwards so that it all flows the right way when posted) Anyway... So I am instead going to be vigilant in posting (one by one) the summer highlights over this next week. Starting with Keith's Tri-Athalon. Keith, Bryan, a friend from church Tyler and Brad Allred all entered into the Spring Valley Tri -Athalon. It was just a couple of weeks ago, and they all did pretty good. Keith has been taking Kaiden and Dylan out while he was training on bike rides and running. And it payed off. He also rented a speed bike this year for the event ( he feels that riding his mountain bike last year was the reason that he didn't do as well as he had wanted...he still did good, but we all know Keith's competitive nature) Keith started off great, finishing 2nd in the swim. Next was bikes- he lost a few spots in his transition from swim to bike - (he actually took the time to dry off and throw on some shorts!) but was still doing good. He finished #32 overall with a time of 1hr and 15 minutes. Not too shabby. He came in first of their little group, and that was really all Keith really cared about. (no sibling rivalry there! I guess we never really grow out of it!)
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