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This house full of boys just added a girl!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yes...We did it. Dylan is in the contest!

So we had been joking about it for awhile. A cutest baby contest. Sure, you say it every now and then when your child makes a cute face, or you get a great picture. To actually go through with it is another thing. Certainly, we weren't one of THOSE parents. You know the kind that I am talking about...the ones that think their child really is the most beautiful baby in the world, even though they look like a small version of Al Pacino? But I guess we are one of THOSE parents after all. After enough people mentioning that Dylan should be modeling, or that he was the cutest baby they had ever seen etc. We decided that maybe were weren't delusional and that we weren't just seeing our baby as down right adorable just because he was ours. So we did it. We entered him. It started a few days ago. It's through Kost. Here is the link to his page...he is the lat one on the right in the second row. You can vote for him everyday, but only once a day. If you are interested click here...

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